
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Equipment For Cooling of Caramel, Fudge and More

Cooling wheels is a kind of equipment that is designed for rapid cooling to further downstream processes of caramel, hard candy, cheese, fats, fudge, flaking operations and more. The role of the cooling wheels is to ensure that the job is done without the need to handle the mass by hand or in trolleys. The manufacturing process of different caramel making systems involves the step to cool the caramel. The caramel candy is cooled at approximately 116 degrees celsius. The most common way to cool the caramel mass is by moving into cool rooms and then running it through cooling tunnels. It is important that the caramel is cooled properly to be able to become solid and of consistency so that the toffee is ready to be cut and packaged.  One of the best manufacturers and suppliers of cooling wheels is Latini USA (Latini Hohberger Dhimantec). Let us now discuss the features of the cooling wheels by Latini USA (Latini Hohberger Dhimantec) in detail.  Features of Latini USA’s cooling wheels Hoh

5 Things You Need to Consider Before Buying a Chocolate Coating Machine

A chocolate coating machine is a type of confectionery equipment that is used for applying chocolate coating medium to a wide range of food products. This machine is capable of coating almost anything with a uniform layer of chocolate and hence is a great investment for any food processing business.  If you wish to know what are the important things that you need to consider before buying a chocolate coating machine , you are at the right place. Keep reading to learn more! What should you consider before buying a chocolate coating machine? Keep in mind the following parameters before investing in a chocolate coating machine. 1. Design The design of the chocolate coating machine will determine its efficiency. Therefore, focus on the kind of materials used as well as parts and components of the machine. Apart from this, size and weight are also crucial elements to consider. Check if the machine meets your application requirement or not.  2. Quality Quality is another most important thing